Clickstay Mummy Blogger Awards - we have a winner!
We recently worked with some Mummy Bloggers to bring you the best tips for travelling with children so you can be as prepared as possible for your next holiday.
However, voting has now closed and the winner is... Glasgow Mummy.
Congratulations! You have won a £1,000 voucher for one of our family friendly villas and apartments in Portugal.
Glasgow Mummy won by a 1% margin. We had some fantastic entries full of really helpful travel tips for families with little ones.
Our favourite tips included taking some snacks that you can bribe your children with when they (and you!) are losing the plot, spreading the clothes across suitcase (just in case the luggage gets lost), and taking your own paddling pool for toddlers. You can read the full blog posts below...

Glasgow Mummy

My Tips for Travelling with Children
I travelled a lot as a youngster. Kudos to my parents as it can't have been easy! By the age of 10 I had surfed on a boogie board in Phuket, had been shopping in Hong Kong and even attended school in a foreign country.
1001 votes (5%)
I travelled a lot as a youngster. Kudos to my parents as it can't have been easy! By the age of 10 I had surfed on a boogie board in Phuket, had been shopping in Hong Kong and even attended school in a foreign country. Read full post
1001 votes (5%)
Slummy Single Mummy

Honeymooning with children - 10 top tips
When I say honeymooning with children, I do mean your own children, I’m not suggesting you turn your honeymoon into some sort of subsidised summer camp, that would be weird.
786 votes (4%)
When I say honeymooning with children, I do mean your own children, I’m not suggesting you turn your honeymoon into some sort of subsidised summer camp, that would be weird. Read full post
786 votes (4%)
The Crumby Mummy

10 top tips for travelling with children
Travelling with children can be very daunting but there are many things that you can do to make things easier. We have been doing a lot of long distance driving recently and I have come up with a couple of things to keep Bob entertained.
407 votes (2%)
Travelling with children can be very daunting but there are many things that you can do to make things easier. We have been doing a lot of long distance driving recently and I have come up with a couple of things to keep Bob entertained. Read full post
407 votes (2%)
Mummy Constant

Travelling with Children my top 10 tips
Travelling with children can seem like a very daunting task, I remember thinking when the children were younger that it would be incredibly stressful. We did take a holiday to Turkey though last September and our children were 4 and 2.
91 votes (0%)
Travelling with children can seem like a very daunting task, I remember thinking when the children were younger that it would be incredibly stressful. We did take a holiday to Turkey though last September and our children were 4 and 2. Read full post
91 votes (0%)
Being Mrs C

10 top tips for travelling with children
It’s time to dust off the passports here in the Carr household as very excitingly I managed to win some holiday vouchers at the start of the half term holiday – just hours in fact before we headed off on our first family holiday in ages!
80 votes (0%)
It’s time to dust off the passports here in the Carr household as very excitingly I managed to win some holiday vouchers at the start of the half term holiday – just hours in fact before we headed off on our first family holiday in ages! Read full post
80 votes (0%)
The Bristol Parent
Tips for a European road trip with toddlers
If you’ve got pre-school kids and are considering your holiday options, I thought I’d pass on some things that have really made a difference to us. We (me, my husband, our 27 month-old and our labrador) are currently half-way through a month-long adventure in France and Spain.
62 votes (0%)
If you’ve got pre-school kids and are considering your holiday options, I thought I’d pass on some things that have really made a difference to us. We (me, my husband, our 27 month-old and our labrador) are currently half-way through a month-long adventure in France and Spain. Read full post
62 votes (0%)
Bubba Babble

10 top tips for travelling with children
It's that time of year again where we all can only think of one thing to get us through...HOLIDAY. Every advert you see and in every shop window the allure of the holiday is drip fed to us and then the sun shines and we are all in trouble.
55 votes (0%)
It's that time of year again where we all can only think of one thing to get us through...HOLIDAY. Every advert you see and in every shop window the allure of the holiday is drip fed to us and then the sun shines and we are all in trouble. Read full post
55 votes (0%)
Side Street Style

Travel with kids - 5 things to pack
Both John and I did a fair amount of travelling before we had kids but nothing really prepares you for taking little ones along for the ride until you actually do it and since having Mr A we gone on some amazing adventures
37 votes (0%)
Both John and I did a fair amount of travelling before we had kids but nothing really prepares you for taking little ones along for the ride until you actually do it and since having Mr A we gone on some amazing adventures Read full post
37 votes (0%)
Inside Out & About

10 tips for surviving a city break with a baby and a toddler
I wouldn’t say Jared and I are particularly well travelled, but I would say that saving up for family holidays is one of our priorities – partly for a break (of course), partly for fun (of course) and partly because we’d far rather our children experience new cultures and places
23 votes (0%)
I wouldn’t say Jared and I are particularly well travelled, but I would say that saving up for family holidays is one of our priorities – partly for a break (of course), partly for fun (of course) and partly because we’d far rather our children experience new cultures and places Read full post
23 votes (0%)