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Do you want to cancel your booking?

If you need to cancel your booking, you can do this from your Clickstay account. You will be subject to the cancellation terms set by the owner which are displayed in the “useful information” section on the property page, and are also in your booking contract. These cancellation terms are applied if you have paid the full booking amount. The deposit is non-refundable.

If you need to cancel the booking because the dates no longer work for you, it’s always worth contacting the owner, in case they are able to move the booking dates for you. Please note that they aren’t obliged to do this, it would be entirely at their discretion.

Has the owner cancelled your booking?

Very occasionally, an owner may cancel a booking. There are two reasons why this could happen:

The owner is no longer able to fulfil your booking; for example, they’ve had an emergency at the property meaning it’s no longer fit for habitation. You will receive a full refund of any money that you’ve paid. This is triggered as soon as the owner cancels.

Or, your balance payment is late. If you are late with your balance payment the owner is within their rights to cancel the booking and you will not receive a refund for the deposit you have paid. If you think you will be late in paying the balance we strongly recommend you contact the owner as soon as possible, and agree on an alternative deadline for the payment.