Villas in San Gimignano

Book a villa in San Gimignano for a relaxing holiday: we have 1 villas in San Gimignano for you to rent

Our best villas in San Gimignano

Rent a great villa in San Gimignano for a wonderful holiday.
Villa in San Gimignano, Italy

Villa to rent in San Gimignano, Tuscany

5 bedroom villa • Sleeps 10

This 5 bedroom villa with private pool is located in San Gimignano and sleeps 10 people. It has a garden, barbeque facilities and parking nearby.

From £2,786 per week

Prices and Availability

Cheapest monthFebruary 2026 average weekly price £3,2140% of villas are available
High seasonJanuary 2026 average weekly price £8,6670% of villas are available

All data is for the next 12 months and all the prices are the average weekly cost (Saturday - Saturday).

Price information for villas, San Gimignano 2025 - 2026

Average weekly price

Average weekly prices

The prices graph shows you the average weekly price for one of our villas over the next twelve months. January and July are the most expensive months where the average weekly price is £8,667 in January and £8,448 in July. The cheapest month is February where the average weekly price is £2,865 (01/02 - 08/02). The average price varies considerably between regions, distance from the nearest beach and the size of the villa.

Availability for villas, San Gimignano 2025 - 2026

Average available villas

Weekly availability

The graph above shows the availability over the next twelve months. February (01/02 - 08/02) is the busiest time where none of our villas are available to book. The quietest time to visit is in April (12/04 - 19/04) where 100% of our villas have availability.